Preparing you for the road

Become a confident and safe driver!

what you want

  • Just turned 16 and looking to learn to drive and take driving lessons in Burnaby and North Vancouver in order to secure a driving licence for the first time?
  •  Tried driving before but gave up and are now looking to give it another go with a new driving instructor?
  •  Or do you have a licence but are looking for some refresher lessons?
  •  Perhaps you are an experienced driver from overseas simply looking to pass the driving test and obtain a BC driving licence through driving tuition tailored for driving tests in the area?
  •  Need to pass the driving test within a short period of time for work or travel reasons and are looking for an intensive driving course?
  •  Whatever your needs, Urban Driving Academy is a motoring school which specialises in offering tailored driving lessons in order to suit you.  

Urban Driving Academy

Urban Driving Academy ;where excellence, flexibility, and expertise come together to make you a confident and skilled driver.


Stay informed with our up-to-date driving expertise.

Excellent Service

Driving excellence with memorable customer experiences.


Tailored scheduling around your busy life       

Best Driving Schools In Vancouver

At Urban Driving Academy, excellence, flexibility, and expertise come together to make you a confident and skilled driver. Pioneering safe, intelligent driving education in the heart of Vancouver, Urban Driving Academy offers a supportive and professional environment where learning to drive becomes an enjoyable journey.


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